Le fabricant international de jouet Mattel célèbre la Journée internationale de la femme (08 mars 2020) en lançant de nouvelles poupées Barbie.

Les créateurs ont choisi comme égéries, des femmes sportives, comme les sprinteuses les plus rapides de Grande-Bretagne, Dina Asher-Smith, qui s’entraîne actuellement pour les Jeux de Tokyo 2020, qui est la première Barbie d’une gamme de figurines « Shero ».


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So it’s finally out… @barbie have made me into a one-of-a-kind Shero doll 🤯🤯⠀ ⠀ When I was told they wanted to make me into a Barbie doll I honestly screamed, jumped up + down and ran around my house lol!!! ⠀ ⠀ And then what made me even happier was that Barbie went to lengths to capture the doll in my exact likeness – ranging from skin tone to hair texture, muscle tone to spike details, lashes to strong brows (🥳) and even included my jewellery 🥺⠀ ⠀ The level of detail and care was incredible. I want to say a humongous thank you to the entire Barbie team for this effort and honour. ⠀ ⠀ When I was growing up there weren’t many dolls that looked like me full stop, let alone one that represented what I wanted to be without compromising musculature and smaller features of self expression. This is may seem quite small but positively showcasing accurate images of sportswomen is so important. It has the potential to shape young people’s perception of us, sport and as a result themselves + their own futures. ⠀ ⠀ Yay!!!⠀ ⠀ Thanks @barbie. I’m so happy – I never envisaged being a Barbie doll 🤯 this is going straight in my trophy cabinet ♥️ #BarbieRoleModels #YouCanBeAnything

Une publication partagée par Dina (@dinaashersmith) le

On retrouve également la capitaine de football française Amandine Henry, la nageuse paralympique turque Sümeyye Boyacı et la championne du monde ukrainienne, l’escrimeuse sabre Olga Kharlan. 

La nouvelle gamme en l’honneur de la Journée de la femme sortira le 8 mars 2020. Elle mettra en évidence les modèles féminins dans le secteur du sport.


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